Signed MOU for Policy Think Tank:

Nahakul KC      April 4, 2023 307

The GIZ Nepal, Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM) Policy Lab and the Institute for International Development signed MOU for the “Pertinent Policy and Public Governance Issues Prioritised by the Provincial and Local Governments of Karnali, Lumbini, and Sudurpaschim Provinces” on 24th March 2023. The think tank process will continuous for six months. This programme will provide technical support to explore and examine evidence-based ingredients on pertinent policy and public governance issues prioritized by the provincial and local governments of Karnali, Lumbini, and Sudurpaschim Province for policy uptakes at sub-national (provincial and local) levels whereas specific objectives are. 

  • To conduct rapid assessments to identify policy issues at Lumbini, Karnali, and Sudurpaschim levels with network of civil society, policy advisory organizations, academic think tanks, provincial policy, and planning commissions, and selected local governments.
  • To develop evidenced-based policy frameworks on the basis of identified pertinent issues of sub-national governance (at least one policy framework) in close collaboration with Provincial and Planning Commission and Office of Chief Minister and Ministry of Council and,
  • To craft province-based think tanks for policy learning, exchange, debate and discourse among government, academia, civil society, and private actors at Lumbini, Karnali, and Sudurpaschim Provinces.

IID Global Team

Lalitpur Nepal

27th  March, 2023